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Our advantages



Lupine coffee is a healthier alternative to traditional coffee because it lacks caffeine and its associated acids. As a result, it doesn’t cause anxiety or digestive i
ssues, common side effects of regular coffee.



By sourcing Ecoffee locally, we create job opportunities within our own country while ensuring that all workers are employed under ethical and fair conditions. Unfortunately, this is not always the case with traditional coffee production, where labor practices can be less transparent and less equitable.


Lupine beans are grown throughout Europe, which is why Ecoffee is sourced locally. This significantly reduces transportation emissions compared to traditional coffee. Additionally, the lupine plant is self-sustaining, as it can regenerate in the soil, further contributing to a positive environmental impact.

Water efficiency

The cultivation of Ecoffee is 95% more water-efficient than that of traditional coffee, making it a more sustainable choice for the environment.
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